Thursday, February 18, 2010


Vienna, a city known for its music, culture, coffee, and balls. The streets are alive with tiny von Trapp children yodeling their little Austrian hearts out. Women troll the Danube in strapless dirndls and men don their lederhosen, hips bumping to the latest club beats. Round any block and the aromas of Bratwurst, Wiener Schnitzel, and Kebab commandeer your senses, transforming your stomach into a corporeal black hole just begging to be filled. You take another breath and--but wait!

What is that!?

It is a new scent! It slowly (but surely!) is beginning to pervade the airs of this city. It is not fleshly. You smile, take a deep breath, and start walking towards it.

It is the scent of vegetarian cuisine....

1 comment:

  1. Great posting Loving Hut Favoriten, there location is famous favorited of my choice. The staff soooo friendly, nice. The food very good and fresh tasty, special all kind of vegan cake taste very very low price (1.50eur/ps).
    went i waited food coming, seem the chefs, they're cooking with many love.

    oh,ja, just come and enjoy.
